What's Happening in 4th Grade for October! 


We finished our study of arrays, factors, and multiplicative comparisons in Unit 1.  We are currently working on our second unit pertaining to data and measurement.  Our investigation of measurement began by gathering data on the height of fourth graders and first graders.  The students then learn how to represent and compare the data they collected using bar graphs and line plots (high, low, range, median, mode, outliers, and is the data clumped or spread out).  Finally, they worked on drawing conclusions based on the data collected. What was typical and what does the data truly tell us  regarding the information collected.  Within the next couple weeks, we will begin Unit 3 (multiple towers and cluster problems).  This involves multi-digit multiplication and division.

Students are currently researching their chosen endangered animal that exists in our world and how human behavior impacts their ecosystems and the animals and plants that live there.  Research includes the animals habitat, diet, adaptations, its place in the food chain, and the reasons it is endangered. Students are expected to include a call to action with ideas on how to save the species and what others can do to help with animal conservation.  The end product will be a brochure that the kids create and share with one another.


We have started implementing the comprehension strategy of questioning.  As a group, we have discussed the purpose behind questioning and why having a purpose is important.  Students are evaluating what types of questions are surface questions vs. deep questions. I am using non-fiction text as I model for students looking at questions I have and how that helps my understanding of the text, as well as, what I wonder and what I learned.  Students continue to use a variety of nonfiction/fiction texts while activating their background knowledge, connecting their new learning to their background knowledge, and creating new thinking on the subject matter.  Students are gradually release to apply the strategy learned on their own with leveled text.  Often times, the text selected connects to our scientific study of ecosystems.  They will either use a selected think sheet, sticky notes, or graphic organizers to keep track of their thinking.  As always, as the kids are reading and applying the strategy, I will be conferring with them individually and/or in a small group setting.
During Writer's Workshop in October, students will continue drafting and eventually finish their narrative story.  Lessons modeled include: how to write an effective ending, editing/revising (CUPS and ARMS), using dialogue, and incorporating figurative language. Once the lesson is taught and modeled, students are release to practice that one skill on their own.  Conferencing takes place daily,  where each student's individual needs are addressed.

Our next technology rotation will take place October 24th, 26th, and 27th.  We will focus on digital literacy using Discovery Education.

Upcoming Dates
October 5th: Cheyenne Mountain Zoo Field Trip AND Parent Teacher Conferences
October 9th-13th: Fall Break
October 16th: Return to School
October 31st: Halloween (more information to come)